Hee hee. Did that make anyone nervous for a minute??? hahaha.
Sorry. I'm probably the only one laughing :). So, my little baby turned 10 months old on the sixth!! I can't believe he's already 10 months old and growing up so fast! He has four teeth. Two bottom ones and two top ones. He has started standing for a few seconds at a time without holding onto anything. He crawls fast and loves going after and playing with his siblings. He learned to wave Bye-bye this week. It's really cute!! He uses both of his hands and he says something while he does it. I don't think any of the others waved bye until they were at least one. (No, he's not a genius). The development charts say that waving bye can start as early as 9 months, but I had never seen a little one do it until a few months before we left Pensacola. There was a little girl in the nursery who was barely crawling, but she could sure wave! (She was cute, too.) He seems to be outgrowing his fussiness. He has been, by far, our fussiest baby. He has gotten to where he will play by himself without demanding to be held, and has learned to open cabinets, drawers, and pull out whatever is in them. So far, he hasn't emptied a dresser, but I'm sure that day is not far. :) He loves to take baths and splash in the water. He likes to climb onto the trundle bed and then stand up and reach for things on Luke's bed. He loves it when the kids play with him. A few days ago, he was the "sister" to Emily and Josiah according to whatever they were playing. Also, the past couple weeks, he has gotten to where he will be content with me while I hold him and let me rock him. I was sitting on the couch one day holding him and rocking him a little and he went to sleep!! I was surprised he did that. Usually if I'm holding him and he's tired, he just wants to nurse. A few nights ago, we were trying to put him to sleep and he sat and rocked with me for about 30 minutes. He never did go to sleep for me that night, but it was such a sweet cuddle time. He has been jabbering a little more lately, and he has gotten louder. He has started letting us know when he is displeased with things being taken away from him, usually when Josiah is playing with him. Josiah often doesn't think he is allowed to play with things and so tries to protect him by taking them away. They're actually quite funny to watch interact. He's a busy little guy and smiles a lot!! And I'm so glad he's coming out of the "fussy" stage!! Oh, I almost forgot, He has also started sleeping through the night!! Wahoo!! He still gets up about once or twice a week, but that's heaps better than two or three times every night!!
Take a few minutes this week to hug your babies tighter!! They grow up way too fast...
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