Wednesday, February 6, 2013

News Flash

Emily learned how to ride her bike over the weekend! I had worked with her a little before we moved, but she would get whiny, and I would get frustrated, so I was going to let Leigh help her. She was very close. In our new house, the bikes get to stay on the back patio, so they can easily take them in the yard and ride them. (The rental house, they were hung from the ceiling in the laundry room and I couldn't get them down by myself.) So, Luke's been helping her!! It took her all of a day and now she's as fast, if not faster than Luke is!! Which is typical Emily fashion-taking off and trying to do better than Luke!
Interesting little fact: Luke learned to ride his bike on Grandmommy's birthday, September a year ago, and Emily learned to ride on Grandpa C.'s birthday, Saturday, Feb.2.

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